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Tutorials & Masterclasses

We'd like to know what you think about Amiga Active's Masterclasses.

Do we cover the right topics? Have we got the balance of tutorials right in each issue? What would you like to see us run tutorials on in future?

We hope that you will be able to take a moment to answer these questions for us by filling in this short survey.

Your details

Email Address:

Our tutorials

Generally speaking, would you be interested in tutorials on the following topics?
Yes No Undecided
Paint Packages (2D)
Rendering (3D)
Word Processing
Desktop Publishing
Video Production
Web Page Design
Other Internet Topics
Local Networking
Amiga OS
If we were to run three new tutorials in the next issue of the magazine, what would you like them to be about? You can either specify the name of a program that you'd like to know better, or just the topic (like those above) if you're not too concerned about a particular program.
First choice:
Second choice:
Third choice:
In the past, we have tried to stick to tutorials spanning no more than three issues of Amiga Active, to stop ourselves falling into the trap of dedicating too much space to one particular topic. Do you think we made the right decision, or would you like to see bigger multi-part tutorials in future?
I'm lazy. I'm not going to answer this question.
You're right - Three parts to a tutorial is enough!
It depends - more parts is fine for a more in-depth topic
You're wrong - More parts, please!
In the case of Masterclasses which concentrate on using a particular program, what types of tutorials would you like to see?
I'm lazy. I'm not going to answer this question.
Overviews of a product's features
Step-by-step, illustrated example projects
A mixture of the two would be best
Finally, do you have any comments about Amiga Active's tutorials, past or present? Were there any Masterclasses you particularly liked or disliked - and why? We'd appreciate your feedback, as always.

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill in this survey.

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